Who's Behind All of This

Jumat, 02 Desember 2016


Hi everyone! I am back, hehe.

I would like to share something here. Well hehe ofcourse. As you know, I am a tenth grader student at SMAN 3 Bandung. Beside my academical activities, I have some non-academical activities too! Well as you can see from the title of the post, IT'S EXTRACURRICULAR!

So, on Friday, October 7th, extracurriculars from SMAN 3 Bandung opened registration for new members. I was so excited yet confused because I didn't know which extracurricukar to choose. Fyi, there are 37 extracurriculars in SMAN 3. But I did have some potential candidates(?) hehehe. Well here I'm going to tell you the extracurriculars that I finally chose. I picked 5 extracurriculars. Why? Because I was afraid that I'm gonna regret my decision.

DKM Al-Furqon

DKM Al-Furqon is a religious extracurricular. DKM is the abbreviation of Dewan Keluarga Masjid. Its activities are usually related with Islamic education such as mentoring or islamic themed study. DKM usually also hold 'seminar keakhwatan'. It is an event where we talk about women, generally they invite some popular women to give lessons about women (ofcourse!), especially on women's rank in Islam.

So why did I choose DKM Al-Furqon? This might sound cliche but I want to be a better person and a closer person to The Almighty. One of the BK teacher also said to me that one day if I feel so stressed about anything, DKM is a good place to share my stories.

Tiloe's Theatre

Tiloe's Theatre or T'sT is 3 Senior Highschool's cabaret extracurricular. T'sT's activities, as you know, ofcourse they perform a lot. Especially at school events. To join T'sT, we must attend DIKLAT (pendidikan dan pelatihan). Well there also PRADIKLAT, i was given some lessons that will be valuable in my T'sT activities. The DIKLAT was spectacular, it reminds me that T'sT is not always about performing and having fun. It is also about hardwork and organization.

So why did I choose T'sT? I like doing roleplays, it's one of the thing that i enjoyed the most. As I said in my first post, I've done a parody of Pete Docter's "Inside Out".

Student's English Forum (SEF 3)

SEF 3 is an English rhetoric art's extracurricular in SMAN 3 Bandung. Its activities contain of storytelling, speech, debate, and other public speaking activity.

I chose this extracurricular because first I'm a fan of public speaking and I want to develop my English speaking skills.

Suara Pelajar Debat (SPeD)

SPeD is almost the same with SEF 3. The difference is that SPeD uses Bahasa Indonesia while SEF 3 uses English. SPeD has some different divisions with SEF. SPeD has Public Speaking, Debate, Rasta (Radio Sekolah Tiga).

I chose this because of the same reason why i chose SEF. Hehe.

SSR (Sanggar Seni Rupa)

SSR is an Art axtracurricular in SMAN 3.

I chose this because I want to develop my creativity and art skills.

Well I think that is all for this post. Thank you.

Minggu, 30 Oktober 2016

Report Text: Komodo Dragon

Hi everyone! It's been a while. I'm going to share something familiar with you. I am so sure that you had heard about it quite much. It's the famous and endemical animal of Indonesia. Can you guess?
It's Komodo Dragon. Let's go.

Varanus komodoensis is the largest extant lizard on Earth and is endemic to several small islands in Indonesia.  The genus name, Varanus is the latinization of the Arabic word "waran" which stands for monitor (Egyptians believed these lizards served as monitors, alerting people to the presence of crocodiles).  Its common names include the "Komodo dragon" (Komodo is one of the islands they are found on), "ora" which means land crocodile in the Mangarrai dialect, and Komodo monitor. 

Here is komodo dragon's classification
Species:V. komodoensis

V. komodoensis share a common ancestor with dinosaurs, but do not descend from them.  Both V. komodoensis and dinosaurs belong to the subclass Diapsida which is branched into two infraclasses: Archosauria (dinosaurs, including birds) and Lepidosauria (tuataras, lizards, and snakes).  Fossil records show that around 100 million years ago, during the Cretaceous period, a species related to the present-day Varanidae appeared and reached Australia by about 15 million years ago.  From this species descended a second lineage which differentiated into V. komodoensis about 4 million years ago.
There has been much debate about how V. komodoensis evolved to be as large as it is, despite being isolated on small islands with limited resources.  One theory suggests that the presence of pigmy elephants or stegodonts selected for larger dragons.  The larger the dragon, the more capable it is of hunting large prey such as pigmy elephants.
The Komodo dragon was first documented in 1910 by Lieutenant van Steyn van Hensbroek who went to Komodo Island after hearing stories about giant lizards.   He killed a dragon and sent the skin and several photographs to Peter A. Ouwens, director of the Zoological Museum and Botanical Garden at Bogor, Java, who eventually determined that the dragon was a monitor lizard.  Several expeditions followed including an expedition led by W. Douglas Burden which captured 27 specimens and examined at least 70 individuals in 1926.
The Komodo dragon is the world's largest extant lizard at an average length of 2.6 m and an average weight of 40-70 kg.  The dragons have sharp, curved claws and around 60 curved, serrated teeth with 4-5 replacement teeth at each position.  The serrations in the teeth help Komodos tear large prey into smaller pieces.  Bits of meat from their meals get caught between their teeth and the decay of these pieces promotes the growth of several highly septic bacteria.  The bacteria often cause the death of the prey by infection so even if the prey has escaped initially, if it has been bitten, it may end up as a Komodo's meal.  Komodo dragons are resistant to these bacteria, so a bite from another dragon would not cause death by infection.
  • adults are grey or clay coloured; young are more colourful, with brighter, speckled skin
  • females and males are similarly coloured although females have more red on their flanks
  • the yellow, forked tongue is specific to V. komodoensis
  • primary food detector; can detect carrion from as far as 5 km away
  • scent particles from the air are collected by the forked tongue and brought to the roof of the mouth (Jacobson's organs) where signals are generated and sent to the brain
  • retinas possess only cone cells which can detect colour but are weak in dim light
  • can see as far as 300 m
  • is useful in hunting to detect motion
  • komodos are not deaf, but they do not rely on sound as much as smell
  • can only hear a small range of frequencies
V. komodoensis are found naturally on the islands of Komodo, Flores, Rinca, and Gilli Motang in the middle of the Lesser Sunda Islands in Indonesia.  All of these islands are volcanic.  There are two main seasons in the Lesser Sunda Islands: a moderate monsoon season (January to March), and a long dry season.  V. komodoensis are usually found in rocky valleys between 500-700m above sea level and frequently occupy regions between the tropical monsoon forest and the savanna. Hatchlings live in trees and feed on insects and smaller mammals, but medium to larger dragons live on the ground.

Komodo dragons are ectotherms and thus require a lot less food than mammals of similar size.  They dig dens to protect themselves from the heat of the sun and often dig in search of rodents, lizards, and snakes for food.  Digging is done using the fore legs: one leg digs several strokes and then the other. 
Rubbing behavior is often practiced by young Komodo dragons.  They rub their bodies in the hair or intestinal contents of carrion.  It is thought that being covered in feces would protect them from predation by larger dragons. 
  • they are scavengers and predators (eat both carrion and live meat)
  • hatchlings feed exclusively on insects
  • small to medium Komodo dragons eat smaller lizards, rodents, birds, and eggs
  • large dragons eat carrion or hunt animals: wild board, deer, water buffalo, large snakes, and smaller Komodos  
  • hunt by stealth and patience rather than by chasing down their prey
  • once a prey is spotted, a dragon would move in until they are around 1 m away from their prey.  The jaws close rapidly and the prey is held (or thrashed) until all movement ceases.  Smaller prey are swallowed whole, but larger prey are sliced and devoured.
  • ingestion rate could be as much as 2.5kg/min
  • have high digestion efficiency (70-90%)
  • quadrupedal
  • normal speed around 4.8 km/hr but can run up to 14-20 km/hr over short distances
  • when walking, the head, body, and tail sway side to side
  • when running, the tail is held off the ground and the hind feet move in a wide lateral arc
  • are strong swimmers
  • young dragons are good climbers but lose their skill has they get older and heavier 
  • they are solitary animals; they gather occasionally around carrion and meet only to reproduce 
  • exhibit minimal (if any) territorial behaviour
  • dominance is based on size, and sex and determines position at feeding sites
  • no sexual displays, but aggregate for mating and establishing hierarchies
  • threat displays include hissing, tail lashing, gaping mouth, arched back
  • hissing: a defensive behavior during feeding and attacks and often used by females during mating
  • fighting in males often results in severe cuts and death
 Courtship and Mating
  • occurs between May and August
  • sexual maturity for both males and females is 5-7 years 
  • dominant males fight by rising up on hind legs, using theirs tails as support, and grabbing at the other male with their fore legs
  • courtship is very brief
  • females often attack males during the early phases of courtship
  • sex ratio in wild is 3 males:1 female

  • females lay an average of 18   eggs in a burrow in the ground over several days in September
  • females clutch once a year
  • eggs have soft, leathery shell and incubate for 2.5-8 months
  • hatchlings appear in April or May and weigh about 80 g
  • no evidence of parental care
  • not many young survive to adulthood, and they often fall victim to many predators
  • if they survive until 5 years old, they can reach up to 2.5 m long and weigh 25 kg
  • they live up to 25 years in captivity; Auffenberg estimates a lifespan of 50 years in the wild
Parthenogenesis (Virgin Birth)
  • offspring resulting from parthenogenesis are all male
  • use the ZW sex-determination system in which males are ZZ and females are ZW
  • the female provides her progeny with a haploid set of chromosomes (and only one sex chromosome: Z or W)
  • the haploid set is replicated and eggs that receive a Z chromosome become ZZ (male) and develop.  Eggs that receive W become WW and fail to develop
There is a stable population of about 3,000 to 5,000 Komodo dragons on the islands of Komodo, Gila Motang, Rinca, and Flores. However, a dearth of egg-laying females, poaching, human encroachment, and natural disasters has driven the species to endangered status.

Now since komodo dragon is an endangered animal, let's preserve them.

Now answer these questions about Komodo Dragon based on the text above.

1. "have high digestion efficiency..."
     the underlined word has the closest meaning with....
    A. lack
    B. ability
    C. idleness
    D. exactness
    E. thoroughness

2.  What is komodo's primary prey detector?
     A. vision
     B. feeding
     C. hearing
     D. nesting
     E. smelling

3. What is the defensive behavior that is often used by females during mating?
    A. caring
    B. hissing
    C. feeding
    D. fighting
    E. screaming

4. Which statement is true about Komodo Dragon's parthenogenesis?
    A. the results are all female
    B. the results are male and female
    C. ZW chromosome code is for male
    D. WW chromosome code will fail to grow
    E. female provide the progeny with a set of diploid chromosome

5. Which statement is false about komodo dragon?
    A. they can reach up to 2.5 m long and weigh 25 kg.
    B. sexual maturity for both males and females is 5-7 years 
    C. Auffenberg estimates komodo dragon's lifespan up to 50 years in the wild
    D. females lay an average of 28 eggs in a burrow in the ground over several days in September
    E. when komodo dragon is running, the tail is held off the ground and the hind feet move in a wide          lateral arc
Sources: http://tolweb.org/treehouses/?treehouse_id=4457

Senin, 03 Oktober 2016


Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Hello Warga Tiga!

Do you think that you're missing out your quality time with your family? Do you want to do something fun with your family while your parents are busy?
Don't worry!

SMAN 3 Bandung would like invite you and your parents to an event that will strengthen your bond with your family especially your parents!


the event will be held on

// Date: Saturday, 8th of October 2016 \\
// Place: SMAN 3 Bandung Area, Belitung Street number 8. \\
// Time: 9 AM - 3 PM \\
// Dress code: Anything but make sure it matches with your parents! \\

There will be a lot of interesting games, quizzes, and story sessions that surely will make you and your parents closer!

So, what are you waiting for?

Check out our video!
click here

Kamis, 22 September 2016

Garden Of Europe

Hey, on this post I'd like to tell you about a place that I really want to visit.

So first let me tell you that I am a big fan of flower. Yup. So can you guess what place that is on my bucketlist?

Here we go.

Keukenhof or "Kitchen Garden" in English, is also known as Garden of Europe. It is one of the biggest flower garden in the world. Keukenhof is located in Lisse, Netherlands. Based on the official website of Keukenhof garden, there are approximately seven million bulbs of flower planted there. They cover an area of 32 hectares or 79 acres.

The history of Keukenhof, the name of meaning "kitchen garden", goes back to the 15th century. Countess Jacqueline of Bavaria, Jacoba van Beieren (1401-1436) gathered fruit and vegetables from the woods and dunes for the kitchen of Teylingen Castle. Keukenhof Castle was built in 1641, and the estate grew to an area of over 200 hectares.

Landscape architects Jan David Zocher and his son Louis Paul Zocher, who also designed Amsterdam's Vondelpark, redesigned the castle gardens in 1857. That park, in the English landscape style, still forms the basis of Keukenhof.

In 1949 a group of 20 flower bulb exporters came up with a plan to use the estate for a permanent exhibition of spring-flowering bulbs, signaling the birth of Keukenhof as a spring park. The park opened its gates to the public in 1950 and was an instant success, with 236,000 visitors in the first year alone. In 2016 the 67th edition of Keukenhof is taking place, with the Golden Age as its theme. During the last 66 years Keukenhof has grown into a world-famous attraction.

The Keukenhof features a variety of different gardens and garden styles. For example, the English landscape garden features winding paths and unexpected see-through points (designed by Zocher in 1830, the garden architect of the Vondelpark in Amsterdam, among others). The historical garden is an enclosed garden where you can see many old types of bulbs. The nature garden consists of a water garden where shrubs and perennials are combined with bulbous plants. The Japanese country garden is a non-traditional garden in a natural environment. The majority of flowers that are planted are tulips, but there are also other flowers such as daffodils, hyacinths, roses, chrysanthemums, and lavenders.

So.. there you go. It's one of the place that I want to go to. I hope one day I can really be there amazed by the flowers.



Assalamualaikum guys, I'm back!
On this post I would like to tell you about my experience two weeks ago. Actually it was a spectacular experience.

So here it is, on Saturday, tenth of September, my beloved school, SMAN 3 Bandung held a Festival of Art, Literature, and Culture named MEGANTARA. I had the honour to be one of Event Organizer.

So here's why I got into the committee:
When my school held the extracurricular demonstration, they also introduced the Student's Organization (OSIS), then the chairman of OSIS, Kang Ghazy asked who wants to be in the Student's Organization. I raised my hand because I want to. Then the members of Student's Organization gave the ones who raised their hand a bracelet. A bracelet which was the ticket for us to be one of the event organizer. It was two months less before the event.

I registered myself the next week. There weren't so many divisions that opened the registration, so I chose the decoration division. The division was lead by Teh Avira. On the first meeting of the decoration division, I introduced myself and we started working.
Me and my friends
On the next meeting, the decoration division introduced their subdivisions, we got to pick one of the subdivisions. The subdivisions were: Stand, Gate, Stage, Mural, Tower, Tunnel, and Ticket Booth. I chose the Stand subdivision.

The decoration worked very hard everyday, some of us stayed at school till evening. Some of us didn't do our course/lesson, and other sacrifices. But we all know that it was all going to be worth it in the end. We, the stand subdivision made a lot of decorations. We had to make 10 minigates according to the top five biggest islands in Indonesia, murals that represent places in Indonesia, and landmarks or famous building in Indonesia. We worked on it until D-1.

The Crowd
Kalimantan minigate
On the D-1, everything was crowded. I panicked a little bit. But as a team, the decoration managed to solve the problems, On that day, I went home at 11.30 pm because I had to make sure that every little parts of the stand was there ready to be displayed.

The next day was the big day, IT WAS D-D!
I woke up at 4.15 am feeling excited. Then I prepared myself and stuffs that i needed. I arrived at Lapangan Bali at 6 o'clock. Then i rechecked the stand decorations, making sure that they were all ready to present the best side of Indonesia. After that, I changed my clothes into the committee shirt, then all of the event organizer prayed for the success of the event. 

As the opening of the event, there was a parade done by kindergarten and elementary school students. The parade ended by the opening of MEGANTARA. 

The parade
Minigate to Jawa stand
The open gate time was 11.35 am. So me and my friends didn't do anything much until that time. We chatted, took some pictures, bought some food or drinks, and other things. 

An hour before the open gate time, the decoration division got a trouble on the gate so we had to fix it. Thankfully we got it done in no time.

The open gate time. There weren't so many visitors that time so the unbusy committee should take off their shirt and pretend to be visitors. Time passed, about four hours later the visitors increased.

There were a lot of fantastic performances, there were traditional dancing, rampak kendang, angklung, wayang, choir, theatre, and there was also a fashion show which the participants was some of my friends. They presented the unique of Indonesians traditional clothes. My favorite performance was from Tiloe's Theatre and from Kelompok Vokal 3.

Around Maghrib time, Lapangan Bali was full of people. It was so crowded that it could damage the decorations, so we had to protect it, and due to that, I missed some of the performances. But that was okay since it was my responsibility.

As the night got late, people started to left the Stands since they want to see the main guest stars, so I could watch the performances, I watched TsT!! They were incredible. And then... the main guest stars performed!!! They were RAN and The Changcuters! I had a lot of fun when they performed.

Then... the event ended. SUCCESSFULLY. I was so honoured to be one of the great people who made this event happened. I hope next year the festival can be more fantastic than this year's.

Minggu, 04 September 2016

World Tournament and Techno Festival

Hey there, it's Shofia again. It's been a while since I posted my very first post.
Now for my second post I would like to tell you about what I did on Saturday, 20th of August 2016.

So first thing first. Saturday is my school schedule for Physical Education. But two weeks ago, I didn't do Physical Education lesson. Why? Because the Student Organization made an event, one interesting event called:
World Tournament and Techno Festival.

I woke up that day feeling a little lazy. I'm still not used to go to school on Saturdays. Alright let's continue, after I was done getting ready, I went to school, sorry, not exactlt to school but to Lapangan Bali. I arrived at 6.30 AM and  my friends had already arrived there. We were greeted by the MC, Teh Muliany. After that we listened to some short speeches from Kang Ghazy as the Chairman of the Student Organization and Mr. Dhoni Taufik as our Physical Education teacher.

After that we were divided to groups according to our class. Example, I'm from X IPA 6, me and my classmates were in one group and we were going to compete with XI IPA 6. We were going to play Post Game. In this event, we had to speak in English from the beginning until the end.

So from the Lapangan Bali, me and the other participants gathered in our school corridor to take our clue and map. After, we gathered with our groups (X IPA 6 and XI IPA 6) to go to the first post: the right side of Lapangan Bali. 

The game that me and my friends played here was "Flappy Bird Tag Race". In this game each groups had to send 10 people of the group to play. The game rule was pretty simple, each player will play for 15 seconds then he/she have to pass the phone to the next player. The scores of every player was added and the highest result will win and receive a piece of puzzle.

My group lost in this game. 

Flappy Bird
The second post was at the left side of Lapangan Bali. Actually I forgot the game name. So basically in this game, the two groups had to compete to take each King of the Group hand scarf.

Once again, my group lost in this game.

The third post was at the Basketball Court of Lapangan Bali. The game was a technology quiz. So, each group had to send one member to play the game. The player of this game had to guess one technology thing based on the statements given by the event organizer. 

My group member who played this game was Otniel, and guess what? He won! And my group finally achieved our first puzzle piece.

After the third post, me and my group looked for the next clue on the map. And we found out that the next post was at Tongkeng Park. So we walked a little far from our school area. After we arrived at the park, the event organizer told us about the rules of the game. The game was kinda Robot Making Competition. We were given some ingredients such as cardboards, bottle, etc. The most creative group won.

And again, my group lost in this game because we were a little bit messed up. But fortunately, the event organizer gave us a chance by throwing a plastic bag of water to the aliens. (It was just another event organizer). We got two pieces!

After the fourth game, we checked the map to find the next post. The next clue referred to Photography Park. The game in this post was "TWISTER". Each group should send two of their members to play the twister game. My group sent Geavani and Faris to play the game.
The Twister Game
The players result was draw. Which means each group achieved a piece of puzzle.

Those were some of the posts that we went to. After, there were about five more posts that we had to go to. The posts were "Human Chain Challenge", "Samyang Challenge", and some other quizzes, but due to the duration, my group didn't do two games.

At last, we had arrived at the closing of the event. But before that, each generation (3'2018 and 3'2019) must compete to finish to puzzles that we got from the games. Honestly I didn't do anything to finish the puzzle because the place were too crowded and i thought i may not be helping, so yeah, I let my smart friend finished the puzzle


I was so happy yet tired that day.
Thank you, OSIS SIE 9 & 10, you made my day♥

Kamis, 11 Agustus 2016

It's Me

Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Good day everyone, as this is my very first blog entry, I'd like to introduce myself first.

Silliness with my junior high school friends
My name is Shofia. And yes, if you're asking, I don't have any middle or even a surname. So you can just call me Shofi (pronounced Sophie) or Shofia (pronounced Sophia). My name was taken from Arabic word which means "clean", "clear", and "pure". But there is also a similar word in Greek; Sophia, Sofia (Σοφία) which means "wisdom". I am a fifteen years old girl living in Bandung. I was born in Jakarta at the twentieth day of January in 2001. I now live in Bandung and I am now a tenth grader student at SMAN 3 Bandung.

My Family (minus my Dad)
Now, a little private thing: family. My beautiful family consists of two parents and six children. Four boys and two girls, I am the fifth child in my family. My great dad is now fifty years old and still happily working. My (super) incredible mom is at her late 40s and also still working. I have four older siblings, 3 brothers, 1 sister, and I also have one younger brother. I love them too much as they are my earlier heaven.

I'm actually a girl with so many interest. My biggest interest is at linguistic. Since I was a kid, I really love to read books (and that is the reason I have two unhealthy eyes since I was an elementary school student). I read so many books, novels, encyclopedias, magazines, and news. I'm also a big fan of singing, I admit that I sing a lot, especially in the bathroom. What do they call it? Bathroom Singer! So actually I am a fan of rhetoric art. I like doing speech, debate, public speaking, storytelling, poem reading, and of course, SINGING.

As I told you before on the previous paragraph, I am a fan of
"Inside Out" parody

poem. I like to search about poem, I like to read poems, and I like making poems. In other word, I am just a girl with (maybe) talent in linguistic stuffs. Oh, I love doing roles too, that is why I'm planning to join Tiloe's Theatre. I once did a parody of Pete Docter's "Inside Out" in Sundanese.

I was doing candid at Universal Studios Singapore
I also like photography. I like to take many pictures at many activities. AND! And I'm also a fan of sport. I tried a lot of sports to find the best one. The ones that I really like are swimming, jogging, and zumba. Another thing I like is fashion, I  honestly don't really like the recent fashion trend, so I have my own fashion taste. Speaking about fashion, I sometimes picture myself as a model, hehe. I think that I might be a great model though, hehe. I also have that one dream that maybe and in sha Allah I will have my own fashion line.  Ah, I just really can't stop myself when it comes to my interests.

Let's move on to another thing. My favorite things?
My favorite food, I prefer sweets than savory. I love chocolate (chocolate bread, ice cream, cake, etc.).
My favorite color, black, pink, blue, creme.

My favorite book, "Pulang" by Tere Liye.
My favorite movie, "Me Before You", "Tangled", "Love, Rosie", etc.
Why do I love reading? This.

Moving on....

What do I do in my leisure time?
I do a lot of things in my free time, but what I love to do most is to sleep and eat. Other activities that I usually do in my leisure time is watching TV, blogging (actually tumblr-ing), SINGING, making poems, doing some workouts, and reading books.

What is my dream job?
I want to be a doctor in the future. Why? I just really think that being helpful is one of my plus score. I can't see people suffer around me, especially children and the elderly. That is my biggest reason of why I want to be a doctor, because it's one of the many ways to be a helpful person.

Well, I think I've written too much, so I think that is all for now. I'd love to write more things about me in other time.

Thank you for reading!

Wassalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.